The Beauty of Spanish Music

We all have been captivated by Spanish music and how beautiful and elegant it is and it is also extremely diverse because it borrows musical aspects from a wide array of different kinds of cultures from all over the world.

Spanish music is very old and it has been constantly evolving and adapting for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Early in Spanish history their music started adopting different cultural influences from the local cultures bordering them and then later on from cultures that are from all over the world. Spanish musicians are the reason why Spanish music is so diverse because during the  renaissance time period Spanish musicians traveled far and wide and when they returned home they also returned with different musical knowledge and they added this to their own music.

However, we probably will not recognize the Spanish music during the renaissance period or earlier because the music we know today started forming around the 18th century up till the 20th century and this is where it started using popular instruments that we are use to know such as the guitar and also music genres such as opera. These are what turned Spanish music into the Spanish music we know today.

There are even different kinds of Spanish music from different kinds of regions in Spain using different types of instruments.

The northwest area of Spain will has many influences from northern cultures and they common use instruments such as the harp, fiddle, zanfona, rebec, tamboril, and the gaita.

A good example while Spanish music is so diverse is Castile, Madrid because this music from this single region in Spain consists of music from cultures from all over the world such as the Jews, the Moors, Romans, Italians, the Gypsies, the French, and even the Visigoths have their influence in this form of Spanish music, Catalonia is a region in Spain that has a very prominent Portuguese musical influence and this is also the same place where the sardana music was created. The Moorish culture has a heavy influence on the region of Murcia and this is where they will mostly use accapella to play songs of the Christian faith.

Even though Spanish music has been heavily influenced by many different cultures over the many centuries it still sounds distinctly Spanish, like with grupos musicales para bodas. The Spanish are famous for their classical music especially their classical guitar music but they are also well versed in every other genre of music out there as well such as rock, hip hop, pop, opera, and also techno as well. Many different Spanish artists have become famous through playing Spanish music and even composing their own unique Spanish music and people really love how beautiful it sounds and how easy it is to listen to and that is the beauty of Spanish music.